Debunking myths with science a priority for keynote speaker
“Advantage NZ Petroleum Summit’s keynote speaker, John Hughes, is not afraid to set the record straight when it comes to debunking myths surrounding Seismic surveys, “PEPANZ CEO Cameron Madgwick said today.
John Hughes is one of the keynote speakers presenting at Advantage NZ Petroleum Summit 2015 in just over a week.
Mr Hughes will be delivering a presentation called “Myths about marine seismic surveys are not facts”
He asks the question “When were perceived issues, catchy slogans or headline grabbers allowed to become ‘fact’? And explores the myths that dominate the seismic survey debate, using simple facts and science, to demonstrate how these myths are false.
His article “Is the Greenpeace NZ campaign against seismic surveys fraudulent?” reviews statements made by Greenpeace about the technology used in seismic surveying and debunks each one using his scientific expertise.
“John Hughes’ presentation at this year’s Advantage NZ Petroleum Summit will be one not to be missed” Cameron Madgwick said.
For more information about the Advantage NZ Petroleum Summit programme go to:
For more information about The Norwood Resource go to:
John will be available for interviews before and during the Advantage NZ Petroleum Summit 2015.