2 weeks till Advantage NZ Petroleum Summit 2015
“We all know the important role Government plays in the security, regulation and growth of the oil and gas sector in New Zealand. As PEPANZ, we know our responsible operators, investors and industry leaders have built our sector into the success it is today.
New Zealand’s oil and gas industry would cease to exist without one or the other, so it makes sense PEPANZ and New Zealand Petroleum and Minerals work together to combine two major industry conferences into a single, all-encompassing New Zealand oil and gas event- Advantage New Zealand Petroleum Summit 2015. ”, CEO Cameron Madgwick said.
This conference is about telling our story. About clearly setting out what we do as an industry, the challenges we face and promoting our vision as key players in New Zealand’s energy future. The event will do this by presenting challenging keynote presentations, providing factual and scientific information about activities, while giving delegates a real taste of why New Zealand is the best place in the world to operate in.
“The conference programme is full of great keynote speakers, the presentation of technical papers and the announcement of Block Offer 2015.
“It’s a good time to bring up Kiwi oil. To talk about the challenges facing New Zealand’s oil and gas industry and the benefits of getting it right.” Cameron Madgwick said.
For more information about the Advantage NZ Petroleum Summit programme go to:
Advantage NZ Petroleum Summit 2015 will be held from March 29-31 at SkyCity Convention Centre, Auckland.